Your Reliable Logistics and Transport Partner
Transport Specialist Operating Between Germany and Eastern Europe
Transport of Every Kind - Fast, Safe, Affordable
Your Reliable Logistics and Transport Partner
Prepared for Every Challenge - Always One Step Ahead

Prepared for Every Challenge - Always One Step Ahead

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O.L.T. Spedition GmbH Ost Logistik & Transport

Form not found or is not published We work exclusively on the guidelines of the German Freight Forwarder’s General Terms & Conditions (ADSp). Latest Edition. Particular attention is drawn to the liability limitations according to paragraph 29 ADSp with 5€ / kilogram. Spezialist für Osteuropa, wenn es um Transporte geht.

Ab unserem Lager in München fahren wir zweimal in der Woche Sammelgut nach Rumänien. Wir organisieren die Transporte über feste Kooperationspartner in Rumänien. Selbstverständlich übernehmen wir auch die Zollabfertigung in den jeweiligen osteuropäischen Ländern.

The SLVS was signed at Oskar Schunk.