Your Reliable Logistics and Transport Partner
Transport Specialist Operating Between Germany and Eastern Europe
Transport of Every Kind - Fast, Safe, Affordable
Your Reliable Logistics and Transport Partner
Prepared for Every Challenge - Always One Step Ahead

Prepared for Every Challenge - Always One Step Ahead

O.L.T. Spedition GmbH Ost Logistik & Transport

O.L.T. Spedition Introduces Itself

Die O.L.T. Spedition was founded in 2008.

Firmengründer ist Razvan Olteanu, ehemaliger Geschäftsführer von “Romtrans GmbH München” (größte Spedition Rumäniens – jetzt Schenker, eine der größten Speditionen Europas)
The location Munich was chosen because it offers the best prerequisites for transport and logistics, in particular for our main German-Romanian transportation routes.
As an Eastern European haulage company, we specialise on the countries Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova. Of course we are also happy to assist with orders to other locations in Europe.
We offer expert solutions from the planning stages to the arrival of goods at their destination.
The seamless, scheduled and satisfactory delivery of goods is our top priority.
O.L.T. Spedition GmbH Ost Logistik & Transport

Unser Team

O.L.T. Spedition GmbH Ost Logistik & Transport

Razvan Olteanu

Manager Director and Head of MRP

[email protected]
☏ (+49) 089 / 1219907-10
☏ (+49) 089 / 1219907-11

O.L.T. Spedition GmbH Ost Logistik & Transport

Loredana Pilca


[email protected]
☏ (+49) 089 / 1219907-14
☏ (+49) 089 / 1219907-15

O.L.T. Spedition GmbH Ost Logistik & Transport

Elena Olteanu

Consultant Financial Accounting

[email protected]

Reinhold Munteanu


[email protected]
☏ (+49) 089 / 1219907-12